Scheduling or Sending a Segmented Email Blast
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Scheduling or Sending a Segmented Email Blast

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Article Summary

In order for your electors to receive information and voting credentials, you must Schedule an Email Blast. View your election and navigate to the Email Blast section.

General Email Blast Functionality

For more information about general Email Blast functionality, please refer to the sections in the Election Manager Guide: Scheduling an Initial Email Blast and Managing Email Blasts.

Using the segmentation drop-down menus, you can target segments of your electorate, which then allows you to tailor email content as necessary to one or more elector segments.


Specifying Segments in Email Body

Optionally, users may wish to specify and inform electors about their specific segment(s) for transparency or other reasons.

To do so, you can use placeholders in the Body field on the Email Blast page. This placeholder will correspond to each unique elector's specific segment(s), thus allowing them to be dynamically input into the email message if they are used. The placeholders for segmentation are: {segment1} and {segment2}.

To use a placeholder, simply start typing two open curly brackets (e.g. {{ ) to open a dynamic auto-complete menu of available placeholders depending on the features activated on your account and relevant to this specific field.

Inputting segmentation may only make sense if your segment values are human-readable and can be easily understood – if you are using internal codes for segment values, such values may be confusing.

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